IJAREM: Volume 03 - No. 01, 2017
1. Performance Evaluation of Watermark ImageQuality by Using DCT with Arnold transform
Er.Navdeep Sandhu, Er.Navneet Bawa
Er.Navdeep Sandhu, Er.Navneet Bawa
Digital watermarking Technique utilized to avoid Illegal copy as well as replication with in digital media. The fast growth of World Wide Webhas created easier to deliver the data/image correct and quicker to the desired destination.The major problem in hypermedia technology is attacks on digital watermarking.In digital watermarking single attack on a given watermark image has effective outcome but multiple attacks on a given watermarked image and other watermark scrambling need to be improved. This paper evaluates a new watermarking technique using integrated approach of DCT, DWT and SVDwith Arnold Transform The proposed algorithm enhanced imperceptibility and robustness in the watermarked image which shows that the improvement in the visual quality of watermark image as well maintains theaccuracy in it.
2. Gain Enhancement of Micro strip Patch Antenna with Slotting Technique
Parwinder Kaur, Mandeep Kaur
Parwinder Kaur, Mandeep Kaur
This present paper investigates how the defects of different shapes and sizes in the Slots (A, C, E, L, U) of a Micro strip Patch Antenna & improves its technical parameters like Gain, Return Loss, efficiency etc. This has been done by examining and experimenting by cutting different shapes of defects in the Slot of a Micro strip Patch Antenna. The performance and advantages of Micro strip antenna such as low cost, low profile, low weight made them perfect choice for communication systems engineers.
3. Literature Review on Customer Satisfaction
Dr. Ankur Saxena
Dr. Ankur Saxena
Academic and corporate interest in customer satisfaction has risen considerably in recent years. This can be seen by the number of papers published in the related field. To explore the field further, the purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it offers a literature review on customer satisfaction taking various papers published into account. Second, it offers a conceptual framework to summarize the research in this field comprising three parts. As starting point related triggers are identified. This allows putting forward three distinct strategies: customer satisfaction to create loyalty, Impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction and price tolerance. Concept of value addition through innovation to create satisfaction is also covered by author.
Author has examined the body of relevant conceptual and empirical works in top management outlets, as well as specialty outlets. It's found that there is widespread consensus among satisfaction related literature that satisfaction is an evaluative judgment and several comparison standards have been proposed in the literature but no consensus exists concerning which standard best predicts customer satisfaction.
Both practitioners in companies and academics might find the review useful, as it outlines major lines of research in the field. Further, it discusses specific features of customer satisfaction and develops a new model; this should stimulate further research.
4. Advertising Trends: Keep Your Consumers Engaged
Dr. Vidya Hattangadi
Dr. Vidya Hattangadi
Every day we are showered with umpteen advertisements; they are in newspapers, on billboards, hoardings, banners, websites, newspaper insertions and TV. Whether we like them are not – we are exposed to about hundreds of them on a daily basis. Majority of the time, we ignore them because we are used to tune them out. Today‟s consumers need a lot of flexibility, independence and ease while consuming any content. They don‟t like to be dictated in what, when, where and how they should consume any content. Advertisers are facing a big time challenge to understand the consumer‟s mindset on when, how and where they spend their time, and adjust the advertising patterns accordingly.
5. GaN-based Synchronous Buck Converter With Zero-Voltage Resonant-Transition Switching
B. Meghya Nayak, I.Parvathi
B. Meghya Nayak, I.Parvathi
GaN power switching devices are promising candidates for high switching frequency and high efficiency operations due to their lower on-resistance and faster switching capabilities compared to conventional silicon power devices. As the switching frequency increases up to the MHz-level, soft switching plays an important role to further minimize the switching losses and improve the efficiency.
In this paper, a GaN-based synchronous buck converter operating with zero-voltage resonant-transition (ZVRT) switching in synchronous conduction mode is proposed. The ZVRT switching converter offers a favorable trade-off between switching and conduction losses especially in GaN-based DC-DC converters.
The efficiency of the ZVRT switching converter providing 20 W output power from 28 V input voltage improves up to 7% at 3 MHz switching frequency.
In this paper, a GaN-based synchronous buck converter operating with zero-voltage resonant-transition (ZVRT) switching in synchronous conduction mode is proposed. The ZVRT switching converter offers a favorable trade-off between switching and conduction losses especially in GaN-based DC-DC converters.
The efficiency of the ZVRT switching converter providing 20 W output power from 28 V input voltage improves up to 7% at 3 MHz switching frequency.