E-ISSN: 2456-2033

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IJAREM: Volume 04 - No. 01, 2018


1. An Impact of Institutionalization on Micro Insurance At Hyderabad
Ms. M. Kanchanmala, Ms. K. Revathi Lalitha Kumari
The paper aims at examining the impact of institutionalization of Micro Insurance with reference to Hyderabad City in Telangana State. Micro Insurance is for low income groups living with no or less knowledge of insurance, who tend to face risk and are prone to illness due to occupational hazardous or malnutrition with less or no experience in approaching with Financial Institutions. Micro Insurance has emerged as powerful tool in Financial Market especially in Insurance Industry. The concept of Micro Insurance is to lend a financial assistance to low income groups, very poor and self employed people through appropriate insurance coverage. It was successful in reaching to the areas where traditional banking could not reach over the past few decades. Indian government has enhanced measures in providing insurance coverage to the needy, poor and low income groups through government funded insurance schemes and other initiatives. The micro insurance market potential is vast as the substantial portion of poor and low income population who are surviving without proper insurance.
The main objective of the paper is to review the outreach of the micro insurance schemes with respect to selected attributes. The researchers intend to collect the data through both sources i.e. primary and secondary. The collected data analyzed by using appropriate tools and the results so obtained revealed the impact of the institutionalization of Micro Insurance. The reader understands the perceptions of the beneficiaries.


2. Saturated Load Forecasting Based on Per Capita Electricity Load
Battogtokh Battsooj, Chen Yuchen, Xing Jiangtao, Shiyao, Zhu Shujie
Aiming at the difficulty of evaluating the peak load utilization hours in traditional saturated load
forecasting, a saturated prediction method based on per capita electricity load is proposed. The method uses
unidimensional Logistic model to predict the per capita electricity load and the population saturation value,
and the saturation load is effectively obtained by the product of the two. The example in the paper shows
that the method is feasible.


3. Cooking and Rheological Characteristics of Paddy Rice Processed Using Biomass Powered Stove
S. I. Edor, J. S. Alakali, T. A.Okache and I. A. Rabiu
An investigation on the cooking and rheological characteristics of paddy processed using wood and rice-husk powered biomass stove was carried out. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the physical and cooking attributes of paddy among the different volumetric air flow rates. The length of the paddy (LNP) obtained were 6.19mm, 6.23mm, 6.40mm and 6.46mm at natural air flow, 0.18 m3/s, 0.20m3/s and 0.25m3/s respectively. The least value obtained was at natural air flow while the highest value was obtained at 0.25m3/s. The average length of the milled rice was higher (6.39mm) for briquettes compared to fire wood (6.25mm). The length/width ratio (LWR) of the paddy were 3.12mm, 3.02mm, 3.15mm and 3.12mm at natural air flow, 0.18 m3/s, 0.20m3/s and 0.25m3/s respectively. Similar trends were observed for other physical and cooking attributes of paddy rice. The optimum cooking time of the rice ranged from 27.50min to 28.83min,andincreased with increase in air flow rate with the highest value observed at 0.25m3/s. Similarly, there was a significant difference (p≤0.05) in the peak viscosity between natural air flow and forced convection. The peak viscosity of the samples ranged from 442.06 to 485.94RVU. The peak viscosity increased with increase in air flow rates. Similar trends were observed for other rheological parameters such as trough, setback etc. The results revealed that powering the biomass stove enhanced both the cooking and rheological characteristics of the paddy.


4. Obtención del Carbón Activado Artesanal y de Laboratorio a partir del Olote o Tusa de maíz para la reducción de color de Aguas Residuales de la Hilandería Guijarro, Cantón Guano
Ing. N. Torres-Tapia
El presente trabajo de investigación realizado con las aguas residuales procedentes de la Hilandería Guijarro, Cantón Guano, con el fin de dar una solución a la problemática de la contaminación que originan estas aguas, debido a que no son tratadas adecuadamente antes de ser descargadas a los lechos de los ríos.
En el proceso de caracterización del olote o tusa de maíz se obtuvo en la trituración diferentes tamaños de partícula los cuales se utilizaron para realizar Carbón Activado de laboratorio y artesanal a partir del olote o tusa de maíz.
Se busco un mecanismo alternativo para lo cual en vez de utilizar la tusa de diferentes tamaños, hacerla carbón activado utilizando todos los tamaños de la tuza en el laboratorio, lo cual es un procedimiento fácil porque se utilizan reactivos en pequeñas cantidades como es el Ácido Fosfórico y los materiales son utensilios básicos que se encuentran en todo laboratorio como son: crisoles, pipetas, pera, probeta, balón, el problema específico es que los crisoles que se ocuparon para realizar el carbón activado de laboratorio. El Carbón Activado artesanal se lo realizó a campo abierto en una cocina de leña para abrir su estructura porosa rudimentaria, tanto el carbón activado de laboratorio como el artesanal aumentando el volumen de poros y la superficie específica, dando así una mayor absorción del color.
El Olote o Tusa de Maíz obtuvo una reducción de color del 50,72% de color, a partir de este porcentaje de reducción se procedió a realizar Carbón Activado de Olote o Tusa de Maíz y obteniendo Carbón Activado Artesanal de Olote o Tusa de Maíz el cual fue eficiente en un 59,42% de color con el Carbón Activado Artesanal y de hasta un 78,63% de color con el Carbón Activado de Laboratorio, para lo cual la mejor aplicabilidad del olote o tusa de maíz como lecho filtrante se debería dar como un proceso individual para cada color, con lo cual se pretende eliminar el impacto visual que se genera al momento de descargar el efluente al lecho del rio Guano.


5. Effect of Broken Brick Aggregates on Strength Properties of Concrete
P. V. Harikrishna
In this paper, an experimental investigation was carried out to examine the strength properties of broken brick aggregate concrete in which coarse aggregates are replaced with broken brick aggregates in the range of 0%,25%,50% and 100%. M30 grade mix was taken. A total of 24 specimens are casted. Out of which 12 are cubes of size 150mm*150mm*150 mm and other 12 are prisms of 100mm*100mm*500mm size. These specimens are tested for compressive and flexural strengths after28 days. The results showed that both compressive and flexural strength values are reduced when compared with the controlled concrete mix and 25% replacement just reached the targeted strength.


6. The Influence Of Debt Financing On Corporate Profitability Of Deposit Money Banks Quoted On The Nigerian Stock Exchange
Aza, Ibrahim Eyigege, Dr. Solomon Mangba Aza
It is of special significance to analyze the corporate financial performance of firms because of managers attempt to maintain company's stability and expansion. This study examines the possible association of debt financing as factor assumed to influence corporate profitability of deposit money banks quoted on the Nigerian stock exchange. This study employs a correlational research design using a cross-sectional panel data of ten years from 2005 to 2014 with the objective of examining the influence of independent variables such as financial leverage, proxied by debt to total equity and capital structure, proxied by long term debt to total asset on the dependent variable such as corporate profitability, proxied by ROE and ROA. Populations of the study are the fifteen deposit money banks quoted on the Nigerian stock exchange as at 2015. The study therefore utilised Yamane's sampling technique to arrive at five banks which are arbitrarily selected thereby giving a fair representation of the entire population. Multiple regression is used with the aid of statistical packages for social science (SPSS) to determine and analyze the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable and the nature of relationship that exist among the variables. The study finds positive but insignificant influence of debt financing (dte and ltdta) on corporate profitability (ROE) and insignificantly negative influence on corporate profitability (ROA). The study therefore recommends that profitable firms depends more on debt financing and so, more attention be paid to the source of finance particularly, when roe is used as a proxy.


7. Corporate Social Responsibilities through Financial Statement Analysis of Mercantile Bank Limited
Kamrun Nahar Moni
Bank has a significant role in the economic development process of a country. Today banking sectors are being proved the most important sector in the economy of Bangladesh. Banks are the custodians of the society economic resources and total economies development depends on the proper utilization of these resources. The successful banking business ensures the growth of the economy by the effective uses of the funds. In order to developing the national economy, banks keep in mind going for lending, maintaining safety, liquidity and profitability. Mercantile Bank Limited was introduced in Bangladesh as a banking company under the Company Acts, 1994 and commenced operation on 2nd June 1999. Numerically it is just another commercial bank, one of now operating in Bangladesh. But the finders are committed to make different and a bit special qualitatively. This bank has new vision to fulfill and a new goal to achieve and try to reach new height for realizing its dream. This study is highlighted on the basis of Performance analysis of Mercantile Bank Ltd. where different types of important financial ratios of MBL to reduce its effective social responsibilities. This study tried to include all the necessary information related to this topic. While preparing this research I have always tried my level best to make it authentic and at the same time easily understandable. For this secondary data is collected as number of reference books to get the theoretical backup.
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