E-ISSN: 2456-2033

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IJAREM: Volume 04 - No. 12, 2018


1. Potential Role of Leporacarus Gibbus (Commensal Mite) in the Pathogenesis of Iodide-induced Toxicosis in New Zealand Rabbits
Yelica López Rodríguez, Marygnacia Suárez, Johilmer Álvarez, Eduard Martínez, Jose Porras, María Forlano, Humberto Henríquez
The goal of this study is to report clinical and histopathological manifestations in New Zealand rabbits naturally infested with Leporacarus gibbus (L. gibbus) and experimentally induced to develop iodidetoxicosis by oral administration of iodide. Iodine was used as potassium iodide (KI) in female New Zealand rabbits at a concentration of 200 mg/L in drinking water administered over a 4-week period. Leporacarus gibbus is considered a commensal rabbit fur mite. Infestations for L. gibbus usually are asymptomatic, even if heavy infestations are present. However, the immunological system dysfunctions may lead to the occurrence of clinical signs. In this report, rabbits receiving KI developed a multisystem syndrome that affected not only the skin, causing moist dermatitis and intense pruritus, but also affected the liver, thymus, spleen, and ovaries. Iodine-induced cytotoxicity was observed in several organs. Immunotoxicity was detected in the thymus and the spleen as a depletion of parenchymal compartments, lymphopenia, and neutrophilia. We believe that immunological disruption caused by KI toxicosis may lead to L. gibbus pathogenicity. Further observation at the macroscopic and microscopic level detected polycystic ovaries. Our preliminary results indicate skin mite L.gibbus may have a role in host immune responses. Fur mites in laboratory rabbits represent an underestimated variable that may impact not only research outcomes but research findings reproducibility.


2. Reliability Analysis of a Parallel Unit System with Two Cold Standby Units
Shakeel Ahmad, Gunjan Sharma, Upasana Sharma
The present study deals with the reliability analysis of a parallel unit system with two cold standby units. In the beginning, there is one main unit and two cold standby units. The system remains in operable state until its complete failure and whenever system comes across any halt, both cold standby units start functioning together in order to keep the system operating. There is single repairman available for repair of main as well as cold standby unit. The reliability and profit analysis has been done for the present model. Various measures of system effectiveness such as MTSF and Profit are obtained using semi Markov process and Regenerative point technique.


3. Impact of Heat-treatment and Storage Duration on Kenaf Seed Extracts in Water Treatment
A. N. Jones
Access to clean drinking water is a fundamental human right. Yet, improved drinking water is still a major challenge in many developing countries today, retarding progress and human development. This study investigated the coagulation performance of denatured kenaf crude extract (KCE) in water treatment using a jar tester. To assess its coagulation performance, KCE suspension samples were heated at 60, 97 and 140 °C for 2, 4 and 6 h while the remaining samples were stored for 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 days respectively prior to the test. The results show that maximum turbidity removal of approximately 98, 97 and 99% was achieved with sample heated to 60, 97 and 140 °C from 86% recorded with the unheated sample. Interestingly, KCE which had been stored for a 3-day duration achieved maximum turbidity removal of 84% compared with the 88% recorded with the fresh sample, although at a dosage, far lower (40 mg/l) than that of the fresh sample (80 mg/l). Therefore, the use of denatured KCE by heating is advantageous for people in developing countries which resulted in improved turbidity removal performance. Conversely, storing the crude sample did not improve the efficiency but its performance was remarkable at lower dosage.





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