E-ISSN: 2456-2033

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IJAREM: Volume 06 - No. 05, 2020


1. Optimization of Water Networks at Graha Jangli Indah Semarang Using EPANET
Budiono Joko Nugroho, Kukuh Wisnuaji Widiatmoko, Suripin, Sriyana
After the pipe boreholes damage in Graha Jangli Indah Semarang in September 2017, the Graha Jangli Indah Water Management was replaced with 2 boreholes. It should be seen after replacing the wellbore whether the performance of the pipeline network at Graha Jangli Indah can meet the pressure requirements reaching each customer's home. The simulation using the EPANET program can be concluded that the performance of water assessment based on water pressure in Graha Jangli Indah has very good performance because EPANET results and observations in the field have results not much different where the average water pressure in the field is 8.17 meters while the results water pressure in simulation I is 8.32 meters. Water pressure which is at a value of 8.17 and 8.32 meters is above the minimum value Minister of Public Works Regulation No.18 / PRT / M / 2007 (Ministry of Public Works of the Republic of Indonesia, 2007) which requires water pressure of 0.5 atm / 5 meters at the furthest pressure point.














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