E-ISSN: 2456-2033

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IJAREM: Volume 08 - No. 01, 2022


1. Analysis of RCC Box Culvert with Different Shapes and Sizes of Haunches Using ANSYS Software
Astha Vijay, A.K. Dwivedi, Ishan Pandey, Abhishek Pandey
Recent developments in computer technology have made it possible the use of Finite Element methods for 3D modeling and analysis of RCC structures. Several works have already been done on Finite Element analysis of Box Culverts. In the past study of box culverts, effect of various shapes of haunch has not been considered in Observing the changes of flexural stresses. In this study, Finite Element analysis of Box Culverts is carried out Using ANSYS software. The box culvert is provided with two shapes of haunches viz. straight and circular arc for various sizes. Firstly, straight haunches of size 0.3m, 0.5m,are provided and analyzed and then radial haunches of 0.3m, 0.5m are placed to get analysis done in ANSYS for the same load conditions as for the former conditions. At the end, a comparative study of the two shapes is carried out with respect to total deflection, stress intensityconcentration in the RCC box culverts. The results provided considerable variation in terms of deflections and stresses in the two cases where in circular haunches also shown significant impact on stress and can be uses as replacement of straight haunches that has been extensively used in the presentera.


2. Theoretical Basis for Creating the Surface of a Toothed Operating Tool for Tillage
Zoia Shanina, Leonid Martovytskyi, Vasylii Glushko, Olena Syvachuk
Viewing soil as a medium with linear elastoviscous deformation, a mathematical model is proposed, which makes it possible to develop a toothed tool with such a shape of the working surface that satisfies the agrotechnical, technological and economic indicators when soil tilling.
The operating tool is made in the form of a block of teeth. The valley and the protrusion of the tooth in the horizontal plane are made along a logarithmic spiral, the protrusions are made in the form of the fourthdegree parabola.
The toothed tool equation is presented in the form of a combination of rotation, displacement and compression matrices.










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