IJAREM: Volume 09 - No. 01, 2023
1. Preparation of Adhesive from Raw Potatoes and Evaluation of Its Physicochemical Properties
T. Raja, S. Sivamani
T. Raja, S. Sivamani
Adhesives are used in process industries for many binding purposes. The aim of the study is to produce adhesive from raw potatoes. The raw potatoes are first processes to extract starch. Then, the starch is used as one of the main raw materials to prepare adhesive using borax and hydrochloric acid. The produced adhesive has been analysed and tested to check its effectiveness and quality by measuring the physicochemical properties such as pH, density, and viscosity. Three samples of adhesives were prepared by mixing various proportions (S1: 5 g potato starch, 100 mL hydrochloric acid and 5 g borax; S2: 8 g potato starch, 100 mL hydrochloric acid and 5 g borax and S3: 14 g starch, 150 mL hydrochloric acid and 7 g borax). The physicochemical properties of prepared adhesives were compared with standard value and S2 was found to have closer properties. The results revealed that the adhesive from raw potatoes was found to be effective for various industrial applications.
2. Analysis of investment stages along with a construction project management project for an investment task regarding the reconstruction and expansion of the locomotor system rehabilitation center Krzeszowice SPZOZ in Poland
Ph.D. Eng.Monika Gwóźdź-Lasoń, Eng. Sebastian Tkocz
Ph.D. Eng.Monika Gwóźdź-Lasoń, Eng. Sebastian Tkocz
The current geopolitical situation: the outbreak of war in Ukraine and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is related to the difficulties faced by construction projects, taking into account the problems at every stage of the investment project, from the beginning to the end. A specific investment case was adopted for the analysis, which is "Reconstruction and extension of the Rehabilitation Center of the Movement Organ in Krzeszowice". This is quite an intriguing case, because its course leads through these two difficult years for the construction industry. In the construction process, it can be noticed that the presented problems become everyday, which leads to the search for new ideas for solutions to the issues of pandemic and war. Numerous publications, articles and specialized books were used for comparison. The analysis of the literature on the subject allowed to notice that that the literature on the subject of this project is relatively small. The discussed issues are such a new experience that few authors have devoted their publications to this subject. Numerous articles and publications helped to prove and support the thesis in this field of economy.
3. Project management for the construction sector in the field of foundation of designed residential building located in this area with the expected impact of mining operation
Ph.D. Eng. Monika Gwóźdź – Lasoń, Eng. Łukasz Berski
Ph.D. Eng. Monika Gwóźdź – Lasoń, Eng. Łukasz Berski
The current knowledge of scientists and practitioners in the field of protecting and modernizing buildings in areas with mining impact is constantly developing and modernized. Confirmation design and executive guidelines obtained so far allow you to predict an additional impact of adverse impact of subsoil mechanics on building structures in mining areas and indicate the optimal ranges of guidelines regarding the security and protection of construction investment. The information in the presented article show current knowledge about the strengthening and protection of residential buildings located in mining areas.
The publication also discusses the legal and methodological foundations that are practiced in Poland and Europe regarding the standards and instructions related to the design of buildings in mining areas. The articulated analysis and concept of the optimal solution for securing and strengthening the newly designed residential building together with an analysis of costs for Silesia areas in Poland. Determining the amount of adaptation of the building to not typical conditions in relation to the costs of the entire investment gives very good information to the management sector of the entire construction and to the anaizy investment risks of the project.
The publication also discusses the legal and methodological foundations that are practiced in Poland and Europe regarding the standards and instructions related to the design of buildings in mining areas. The articulated analysis and concept of the optimal solution for securing and strengthening the newly designed residential building together with an analysis of costs for Silesia areas in Poland. Determining the amount of adaptation of the building to not typical conditions in relation to the costs of the entire investment gives very good information to the management sector of the entire construction and to the anaizy investment risks of the project.