E-ISSN: 2456-2033

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IJAREM: Volume 1 - Issue 4 (July 2015)


This paper exposes how neural network helps in improving ATM security checks .This was achieved by training the network to recognize patterns. When bank account is opened, the data are collected and stored in the system's database. When any withdrawal is to be made, the customer sends data to the neural network, it processes the data in order to ascertain whether customer is the rightful owner or not. This was achieved by comparing the data generated from the customer with that of database, if it matches with the one stored in the database, access is granted to the customer, if it does not match, access is denied from the customer.
Abstract Online: 15-July-2015


Omonile J F, Abalaka V and Howusu, S.X.K
The linear quantum harmonic oscillator that is well known is built upon Euclidean geometry. In this paper we applied a new geometry called the Riemannian Laplacian to replace the Euclidean Laplacian used in the well-known Schrödinger solution of simple harmonic oscillator. The results obtained here serve as a correction to the well-known eigen energies of the Schrödinger solution.
Abstract Online: 15-July-2015


3. SVM Based Multi-Atlas Segmentation with Joint Label Fusion for Alzheimer Disease
Madhubala chaudhari, Smita Ponde
Multi atlas segmentations are combined using label fusion. . Multi atlas segmentation is based on the observation that segmentation strongly correlates with image appearance especially for biomedical image. A test FMRI image can be segmented by referring to atlases, which uses expert-labeled sample images. For segmentation Chan vese model is used to segment many types of images, including some that would be quite difficult to segment in means of "classical" segmentation – i.e., using thresholding or gradient based methods. After warping the atlas to the test image via deformable registration, one can directly transfer labels from the atlas to the test image. Multi-atlas label fusion (MALF) is becoming more accessible to the medical image analysis. This concept has also been applied in computer vision for segmenting natural images. Errors produced by atlas-based segmentation can be attributed to dissimilarity in the structure (e.g., anatomy) and appearance between the atlas and the test image. Support vector machine for non linear data is used for identification of different segment. For labeling test image Anatomical Automated Labeling (AAL) is used. Label fusion strategies, weighted voting with spatially varying weight distributions derived from atlas-target intensity.
Abstract Online:20-July-2015


4. Power Flow Control By using D-FACTS Concept Through DPFC
Nagaraju Gairaboina, Shankar Nunavath
In this paper we presents a new component within the flexible ac-transmission system (FACTS) family, called distributed power-flow controller (DPFC). The DPFC is derived from the unified power-flow controller (UPFC). The DPFC can be considered as a UPFC with an eliminated common dc link. The active power exchange between the shunt and series converters, which is through the common dc link in the UPFC, isnow through the transmission lines at the third-harmonic frequency. The DPFC employs the distributed FACTS (DFACTS)concept, which is to use multiple small-size single-phase converters instead of the one large-size three-phase series converter in the UPFC. The large number of series converters provides redundancy, thereby increasing the system reliability. As the D-FACTS converters are single-phase and floating with respect to the ground, there is no high-voltage isolation required between the phases. Accordingly, the cost of the DPFC system is lower than the UPFC. The DPFC has the same control capability's the UPFC, which comprises the adjustment of the line impedance, the transmission angle, and the bus voltage. The principle and analysis of the DPFC are presented in this paper and the corresponding experimental results are also shown.
Abstract Online: 20-July-2015


5. Perceived Effects of Environmental Hazard on Health Conditions of Rural Farm Households in Imo State, Nigeria
Izuogu C.U, Atasie Chikerenma and Ifenkwe G.E
This paper highlighted the perceived effects of environmental hazard on health conditions of rural farm households in Imo State, Nigeria. Multi- staged purposive and random sampling techniques were used to choose the samples. The study ascertained the incidence of environmental hazard-related diseases within the study area, described the effect of environmental hazard on health conditions, and analysed the relationship between environmental hazard health conditions of respondents. Primary data collected from 116 respondents were used for the study. Data analysis was carried out with the use of descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Results from the study show a grand mean score of 1.63 on a three point likert-liked scale which indicated that respondents were unaware of the effects of environmental hazards on their health. Twenty-one thousand, one hundred and fifty (21,150) incidences of Cholera were reported within the study area while, 1943 cases of Typhoid were officially reported. The result of the regression analysis shows that flood, oil pollution, wind storm were all significant and positively related to the health conditions of the respondents. It was therefore recommended that multi-national corporations that engage in oil exploration activities within the rural areas should endeavour to carry out adequate environmental impact analysis to reduce the effects of their activities on the health conditions of the rural households. Efforts should also be made to shield the rural dwellers from unavoidable negative effects of these hazards to their health. This could be achieved by providing health insurance schemes for farmers.
Abstract Online: 20-July-2015


6. A New Scheme for On-Line Signature Verification
Ms. Swati M. Patil, Ms. Prajakta A. Satarkar
In this paper, we are going to propose a new technique for On-Line signature based on global n local features. In general, shape of an on-line signature is used as a single discriminating feature. Sometimes shape of signature is used alone for verification purposes and sometimes it is used in combination with some other dynamic features such as velocity, pressure and entropy. In proposed system shape of signature is examined using Edge-Detection Algorithm (EDA), pressure points are calculated using Pressure Points Allocation using Clustering (PPAC). So the overall process can be thought as the process is signature examination based on shape and pressure points in combination with entropy and velocity and it performs verification on each partition separately. Finally, the signature is classified as genuine or a forgery.
Abstract Online: 20-July-2015


Seniority Based Pay has been a traditional reward system used by many organisations for many years but has failed to improve employees' performance and development, and enhance competitive advantage. In this study, the use of Seniority Based Pay was reviewed and Competency Based Pay was proposed as an alternative reward strategy. The Competency Based Pay linked reward to competencies of employees. Therefore, employees are rewarded for their contributions to the organisation. This review will benefit organisations in Strengthening the knowledge base and skills of its employees, thereby enhancing their competitive advantage as it rewards employees for skills, behaviour and attitudes in their job roles. For Competency Based Pay to be successful, it must align with organisational strategic objectives.
Abstract Online: 20-July-2015


8. Role of E-Governance in Teacher Education
Ranjita Biswas
Teacher education is a programme which is related with competence and proficiency of teacher .The programme prepares the teacher to face the challenges of education. The new trends and innovations in education have affected teacher education necessitating review and reforms. But the lack of uniformity in planning, implementation and monitoring system in teacher education and the enormous need for trained teachers deteriorate the quality of teacher education. Electronic Governance (e-Governance) is the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the planning, implementation and monitoring of government programmes, projects and activities. The application of e-Governance in educational sector is poor as compared to other sectors. The study discusses how the application of e-Governance in teacher education proves to be a solution for all the challenges in teacher education.
Abstract Online: 20-July-2015


DR. Ajator, Uche. O1, Dr. Emoh, F. I., Dr. Enete, I. C.
The paper views construction environmental pollution issues as one area which is apparently novel to our construction Arbitrators and which presents new challenges and requirement for additional skill. It posits that arbitrating on construction environmental issues require fundamental knowledge of the science and impacts which antrophic structures and their development pose to the environment and basic environmental law. It exposes the concept of environmental law and its historic development in Nigeria and sites a number of environmental cases in which arbitration would have been a possible option, if our arbitration practice in this area had been vibrant. It recommends greater sensitization of the construction industry on the benefits of arbitrating on construction environmental issues.
Abstract Online: 20-July-2015


10. Improving the Efficiency of an I.C. Engine by Using Secondary Fuel (HHO)
Dr. V.V. Prathibha Bharathi, I. Parameshwara Rao, V.V.Naga deepthi, I. Prasanna4 A. Lakshmi Jyothi
The rapid depletion of fossil fuels and rising of oil prices has led to the search for Secondary fuels. The Secondary fuels that we are using should have the same efficiency or greater efficiency of the engine that uses ordinary fuel. In this project these condary fuel used is HHO gas. HHO otherwise known as hydroxyl or Browns Gas is the gas produced from splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen from electrolysis and allowing the gas to stay in a premixed state for use on-demand without the need for storage. This reduces the exhaust gas emitted during the working of engine, and the temperature of the engine is also reduced which is produced by the burning of ordinary fuels. The HHO gas is injected into the inlet manifold of the combustion chamber through the air filter of the engine. From this design the fuel utility is reduced from 10% to 30% which minimizes the carbon deposition in the cylinder there by increasing the changing period of engine oil, it also improves the efficiency of the engine and the life span. Engine to rqueal so increased and pollution gets reduced to maintaining the green house effect.
Abstract Online: 20-July-2015


11. Investigation on Heavy Metals of Ground Water around Polyfibre Industry Harihara India
Kiran kumar B R, Manjunatha N T, Nagarajappa D.P
The problem of environmental pollution due to toxic metals has emerged as a big concern now in most of the industrial belts. Many of the rivers, lakes and oceans have been contaminated by pollutants. The Tungabhadra River, once used as a major source of water is now entirely contaminated due to household, agricultural and industrial wastes while the original river is dried up at present, it is carrying industrial and municipal wastewater which is mainly used for the irrigation of crops because of cost and non availability of freshwater. The wastewater from municipal and industrial origin contains major essential plant nutrients and heavy metals. Heavy metals are generally not removable even after the treatment by wastewater treatment plant for cause's heavy metal contamination of soil and subsequently the food chain. The nineteen groundwater samples were collected and analyzed Heavy metals namely Chromium, and Zinc using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer.
Abstract Online: 14-August-2015


12. Harmonic Analysis Associated with the Generalized Dunkl-Bessel-Laplace Operator
A. Abouelaz, A. Achak , R. Daher, El. Loualid

Abstract Online: 14-August-2015


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